Spaghetti: A Staple in Homes Across America

Gunnar Montes


My favorite dish: spaghetti

Spaghetti is a staple in countless homes. There is no dish that compares to the flavor, affordability, and bulk. I know I am not the only one who grew up seeing spaghetti on the stove and knowing exactly what I'd be eating for the next week. It has a savory flavor, and once the sauce absorbs into the noodles it is all packed into tender bites. Spaghetti's nutritional value is nothing to downplay either. Based on how I've seen it cooked you get protein from the ground beed and a plethora of vitamins and antioxidants from the garlic, onion, and tomato sauce. Overall, you can never go wrong with spaghetti.

Key Ingredient Percentage Ingredient Picture
Spaghetti Noodles 40%
Tomato Sauce 30%
Ground Beef 30%